De WS62 transceiver/ operation VARSITY 1945 PA3ECT
PYE WIRELESS SET No. 62 1944-1966 en operation VARSITY
Dit is de WS-62 set compleet met lampje, key, microfoon/headset en power-kabel. Voor 3575 KHz (CW) en 3705 KHz (AM), SRS frequenties, heb ik kristallen.(PA3ECT) De Pye Wireless set 62 is een laagvermogen HF zend-ontvanger, ontworpen om met een 12 VDC voeding te kunnen werken. Hij is bedoeld voor militaire toepassingen alsmede voor burger gebruik en kan ingezet worden als een mobiel of vast opgesteld basisstation. Deze set is gebruikt door o.m. het Britse leger, in de navolgende toepassingen.
- Voertuigzendontvanger.
- Man-pack/Animal pack station.
- Basisstation.
Australische militairen Korea oorlog
Voor burger toepassingen kon het ingezet worden voor vast of mobiel gebruik door politie, olie maatschappijen, posterijen e.d.
De set loopt van 1,6 tot 10 MHz
Het uitgangsvermogen is CW 0,78 tot 1,1 Watt
AM 0,44 tot 0,84 Watt
De set kan een korte periode drijven en is speciaal ontworpen voor de tropen
De set heeft een lange fabricageperiode van 1944 tot 1966
De set heeft ook nog in een Auster vliegtuig dienst gedaan.
WS62 PA3ESY (zeer professionele website)
Aan het einde van WW2 een overzicht van de Britse airborne forces operation VARSITY. De Britten rukken op in Duitsland.. De WS62 was onderdeel van de communicatie middelen.
Operation VARSITY
Uit pegasus archive operation VARSITY:
De WS62 was nog erg vers, onvolkomenheden uit dit rapport zullen in de latere versies wel gemodificeerd zijn. laatste fabricage 1966
2. Wireless Set 62 Jeep and Para Stas – mounted in a jeep or as a man pack and ground sta.
(a) Type of nets – A Comd RT (airborne assault), Bde Comd, Bde FOU nets, RA Air Support net, RE Comd, Traffic control
(b) Ranges – 8 miles by day reduced to about 4 by night using 14ft aerial. On one occasion 15 miles was obtained using a 32ft mast. Again short range sky wave working was not a success owing to increased noise/signal ratio.
(c) Screening and interference – NTR.
(d) Mechanical faults –
i. Battery lead plugs are very liable to loosen. Opening the pins on the plugs helps but does not rectify. Faults in the moulded plug make maintenance very difficult. A different type of power lead is recommended.
ii. Flick mechanism is not strong enough. The set sometimes goes off net when jolted or when switching the flick.
iii. Aerial turning inductance – the roller pick up spindle breaks.
iv. In the aerial coupling condensers, the rotating vanes are screwed by grub screws to the spindle and if forced whilst turning, the positive and negative vanes are liable to short.
v. Crystal – MO switch. This switch has no stop and the rotary leaf is inclined to overshoot the contacts.
vi. The aerial base on the para sta is not strong enough, the aerial “flops” on the move.
vii. Screws fall out of main on/off switch due to vibration causing intermittent fault.
viii. Grid cap comes off V2A due to vibration.
(e) Electrical faults:-
i. C24A – 8 uf 75v bias decoupling condenser has broken down on several sets. Symptoms – excessive drive reading on the meter.
ii. Gang condenser gets dirty and shorting occurs.
iii. Drive adjustment has been frequent. This may have been due to incorrect setting up originally.
iv. Calibration has had to be corrected on several sets – maximum error so far found approx 100 kcs.
v. VT 510 – Several faults have been experienced in connection with this valve.
1. Low emission.
2. Cathode insulation breaking down. The above may be due to a fault batch of valves.
3. The VT 510 is held in position in W.A:62 by means of a locking collar around the base. It has been necessary to warn those concerned not to withdraw the valve without releasing this lock and also trying to replace valves in a similar way.
vi. C 23 A – 8uf 550v H:T: smoothing condenser. This condenser is insulated by a piece of celluloid and held in position by a bracket. This fitting is not sufficiently rigid and the condenser due to vibration, slips out and causes at H:T: short. A remedy is to insert a piece of tape or cork underneath the bracket.
vii. Low aerial rending – meter circuit trouble, thought to be a westector.
viii. Occasionally a loud carrier is heard which can be cleared by turning on/off switch on and off.
ix. “Rec on” switch must be used with caution as it then takes the transmitter too long to warm up when required.
x. The expected trouble with the power unit has been successfully dealt with by the carriage of spare units which are very quickly changed when trouble threatens. An estimated life of the power unit will be provided in my next report, though is varies so considerably that it is difficult to give a figure.
(f) General. This set has been most successful and is undoubtedly the best answer to date for use in airborne operations – a great improvement on the 22 set. The set stood up very well to dropping and very few sets which landed normally were dis on the DZ. Battery drain is heavy with the consequent wastage of man power with the pack stas. In this connection I question the wisdom of the projected use of a 14 ah battery. Jeep stas should include 1 12v 75 ah battery. The set is easy to operate and has gained the confidence of the operators, particularly in the FOU who achieved great success with it in the operation. The new rod antenae is very popular. Performance on crystal working is excellent. It is unfortunate that the crystal had to be cut above radiated frequency as flexibility in working with other sets on crystal control is lost. There is no question that the great assistance given at the W:O to obtain the set in time for the operation was repaid many fold.
Hiermee kunnen we vaststellen dat:
De WS62 in europa is gebruikt in WW2
De WS62 in een jeep is ingebouwd.
En de WS62 als vast station en als manpack is gebruikt.
Weliswaar aan het einde van WW2.
Operation VARSITY en WS62